Monday, March 16, 2009

Idpure magazine article- Cartoon Couture

Written by: Aylin Sallin-Toker

Summary of the article:

Sacha Roulet the writer of this article based her article on a specific person and she is Cari Mundane who is a Londoner and a designer. Her style is so unique that it surprised the audience who saw her pieces and that style is named “cassette playa”. This contains the idea of “do it yourself” or specifically, ‘if you want something done properly, do it yourself’. Also there is a concept called ‘nu-rave’ and this is the shortcut between the idea of ‘new-wave’ and there is a group which had launched this idea and this group called the Klaxons and they were styled by Cari Mundane. The word ‘nu-rave’ means everything- and-nothing, and ‘The only rule is that there is no rule. The mixture of styles- that’s the style.’ This is a concept where there is a mixture between reality and virtual. To summarize, this article is about a unique type of concept/idea created by Cari Mundane.

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