1. Use CSS to set your text at 10 or 12px, which is an optimum size for readability.
2. Use sans-serif text such as Verdana, Arial and Helvetica. You can specify "Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif." as your font in CSS.
3. The maximum width for easy reading is 400 - 440 pixels. Use tables or CSS to control this.
4. Use absolute control of the width of the text columns. Set them so the lines of type run around 10 to 12 words per line.
5. Black text on a white ground is the easiest reading. Other colors tend to blur the text slightly because of anti-aliasing. However, a stark white background is hard on the eyes. Use an off-white (a very light grey), or an eggshell blue colored tile for your background. If you prefer to set a color, try pale khaki CCCC99
6. To relieve the denseness of continuous type, use headlines and subheads. Use bold ONLY for emphasis, such as in subheads. Text all in bold is fatiguing to read because the blackness of the letters begins leaving shadow trails. It is also confusing to text readers.
7. Add photos and illustrations to illuminate passages. Make sure you put a minimum of 20px space around your graphics to give them some breathing room.
8. Information is more easily retained in "clusters" which equal about a screen full in length at a time, and then broken by some type of graphic or change in structure. The change in structure could be no more than a bolded topic header or a drop cap or even the equivalent of a side bar with some information in it.
9. To relieve the monotony of text, pull out a paragraph to use as a side bar. Or, put a short description into a box with a link to "more"
10. Use bullets to ::reduce wasted space ::create visual interest ::make information easier to understand and absorb
Summary of the Article:
There are 10 tips of writing a good website and this will help the writer enhance the website and could make their website look neat and organized.
The 10 points are:
1. Set your font size at 10 or 12.
2. Use Sans-serif for your font.
3. 400 to 440 pixels is the maximum width for easy reading.
4. One line should contain 10 to 12 words.
5. Chose colors which are good for reading and which doesn’t hurt the audience’s eyes.
6. Bold is only used in emphasis and use headlines and subheads.
7. Add pictures and other visuals.
8. Information is more easily retained in clusters.
9. To reduce boredom, use paragraphs as a side bar.
10. Use bullets points to reduce space, gain interest and make information easier to understand.
Source from: http://www.phoebemoon.com/writing.htm
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