Thursday, September 4, 2008

Chapter Two: Proximity

     Chapter two talks about proximity and the author is trying to say that when you are writing a newspaper, ad or anything else, it should be organized so the readers can understand the intention of this ad or newspaper. Putting things which are similar together is good for the reader to know what the writing is about in one glance. When the items are not related to each other, then you can have more than one space in between the two to differentiate them. The font of the ad or the newspaper shouldn't always be the same. If the font is the same and the writing is normal, then no one can understand what the main topic is about and what the information is. So, bolding the text and writing in different font is also another way to draw the readers attention and make the reader comfortable when reading the text. In terms of space, the purpose of the writing is not to fill the page up by to transfer the information efficiently. So, it is important to organize the text and not to fill up the page with the text. There are somethings to avoid when writing an ad or newspaper. The things to avoid is to not put many different topics in one page and not to have too many gaps and make the reader confused. 

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